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Six Ways to Revamp Your Home Office

  • September 1, 2020
  • By Luanna

Form follows function; that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in spiritual union.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Is your home office a workplace sanctuary? Or more like a disaster zone of papers and post-its? 

Whether you’ve had to quickly adjust to working from home or have been living the remote life for years, there’s never a bad time to revamp your office space. I don’t know about you, but I spend a ton of hours in my home office—for work, and even just surfing and “alone” time. If you do the same, shouldn’t it be a space you love and enjoy, and not just a place that papers go to die?

Make your home office work for you. Let’s spruce up your workspace with these six simple fixes!

Six Ways To Revamp Your Home Office

Invest in the Right Furniture.

If you’ve been working at the kitchen table or sitting on a tired old chair, it might be time for fresh furniture. Using office furniture that is the wrong size, shape, or height not only makes us less productive but it can be a real pain in the neck.  

To stay healthy and on task, make sure your office furniture is working just as hard as you. Choose a desk with plenty of space to work and a comfortable chair that offers both arm and lumbar support. Adjust the height to ensure a healthy working posture

Revamp Home Office

Bring The Outdoors In.

Nothing cheers up a stagnant home office like a little bit of nature. And decorating your office with house plants does much more than brighten your space – plants also improve the air quality, enhance our focus, and relieve stress. Here are some of the best choices for your office or desk and resources for proper care:

Snake plant: These plants are incredibly hardy, making them a good fit for most people (even those without a green thumb!). You can choose a tall snake plant to brighten up a corner of your office or find a dwarf variety for your desk. 

Rex Begonia: If your desk is in an area with a lot of natural light, this could be the plant for you. The indirect sunlight will be fuel for the plant to maintain their bold leaf color, while they bring color and style to your space. 

Succulents: These days, it’s all about easy and low-maintenance, and succulents certainly fit that bill. Perfect succulent options for a home office are Hobbit Jade or Lace Aloe. Succulents require little watering and a lot of (natural or indirect) light which makes them a win-win for a house plant. The Hobbit Jade plant is also considered a symbol of good luck and success, and in today’s world, we could all use a little extra boost!

Flowers from your garden: One of the sunniest and happiest things you can do in your home office is bring in something from the garden. If you have a rose bush or other flowering plants, pluck a few of their posies and add some color and freshness to your desk. I bet it will do a lot from some spontaneous creativity that day. After all, you created those lovely blooms!

Keep It Simple And Tidy.

Has your home office gotten out of control? Mine did, and recently I cleared out all of the clutter that had accumulated. Revamp your workspace with some thorough cleaning and smart organization. Staying organized while working from home is key to staying on top of work—and life after work—especially if your home office happens to be a bedroom, living room, or other shared room of the house.  

Keeping your office organized usually comes down to having the right storage. Simply having useful drawers or shelves can make the messiest office an organized business paradise. Drawers help to keep your desk space clear as well as protect important documents, tools, and equipment. Either simple bookshelves or space-saving floating shelves can add storage and style to your home office. (Here are some additional “hacks” and ideas to keep things organized.) 

Once you’ve organized your office and put everything in its place, the only thing left to do is to keep it tidy. Reserve the last five minutes of your workday for a tidying ritual. Clear out any trash and return everything to its dedicated place. This not only maintains a clean and uncluttered workspace (and mind), but it also offers a distinct transition from work to rest. And it’s much more inviting to step into the next day! 

No Bake Protein Energy Bites

Stock Up With Healthy Snacks

No workspace is complete without a dedicated snack drawer! Working from home often encourages either endless trips to the kitchen or the opposite issue of skipping meals. Unfortunately, either habit can lead to poor focus, brain fog, and mood swings.

Instead, stock your home office with healthy snacks that fuel your brain and keep you focused all day long. Some of the best snacks for a productive and healthy day are foods that are easy to eat, not too messy, and store well. Consider nuts, clementines, bananas, roasted edamame, or these “No Bake 3PM Energy Bites with Oats & Dried Cherries.” Your will kids will love them so much, you’ll need a secret stash.

Want to really revamp? Set up the ultimate coffee bar or snack area complete with a mini-fridge, tea kettle and coffee pot. (They’re all the rage right now on Pinterest.)

Revamp Your Home Office

Add Some Color

Color psychology has long been used by businesses to subtly reduce stress, inspire creativity, or facilitate communication. You, too, can use color therapy in your own home office. Choose a color for your home office that evokes the kind of atmosphere or work goals you desire for yourself. For instance, if you are often stressed and anxious at work, consider using calming colors like blues and greys. If, on the other hand, you want to feel more alert and productive at work, you might choose to decorate with colors that stimulate and energize the brain.

Here’s some color psychology examples:

  • Red: high energy, power, confidence, motivation
  • Orange: warm, inviting, joyful, creative
  • Yellow: optimism, cheerfulness, mental clarity
  • Green: balance, peace, calmness
  • Blue: calmness, peace, relaxation, intuitive thinking
  • Violet: creativity, problem-solving, artistic ability

What’s in my home office? A light grey on three walls with a dark grey accent wall. I love it!

Revamp Your Home Office

Get Creative.

One of the best things about having a home office is that you can make it all your own. Don’t hold back! Add a few funky design elements or even go all-in and paint the room. Hang artwork that inspires your or photos that make you smile. Make your office as cozy as can be with comfortable slippers or a decorative throw. Keep your eye on the prize with a career vision board or goal tracker. You may even be suprirsed how the creativity you bring to your office creates inspiration in other aspects of your life.

Feel At Home In Your Home Office

A home office is not simply where we work, it is where we overcome challenges, develop professionally and make important decisions. I hope these six simple tips will help you create an environment that mirrors the professionalism, confidence and focus you want to achieve at work.

Now, let’s revamp!

By Luanna, September 1, 2020
  • 3
  • Stacy Kopper
    September 1, 2020

    Oh, if only I could finagle the ultimate coffee bar.

    September 1, 2020

    Thank God lord don’t have to worry about working at home. Luanna you have a lot of valuable tips for those working from home.

  • Afton Jackson
    September 28, 2020

    I loved your suggestion of using potted plants and other greenery to decorate a home office to give it a natural feeling along with some fresh air. Working in one room all day can feel very restrictive, and there are times when I feel like I want to have a connection with the outdoors while typing on a keyboard all day. Once I find a home furniture store, I’ll make sure I pick out a large enough desk so I can place some plants onto it.

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